When we feel we waste our time … we should just leave … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

 I felt many times into this lifetime … that i am wasting my time.

Today … when i have this type of feeling … i understand that i am actually … wasting my life in here … on Earth.

I’ve started to have much better … clarity.

I understand reality …

I understand that i am not on the right path of life …. but even if all is so, so clear … i just continue … doing the same stupid things on and on and on.

I act as … an idiot.

I know … on a theoretical level … all is going on for real … but … i still continue staying on those pathless paths.

I know i am wasting my time … but i allow as this story to continue.

… which is probably … a nonsense.

Yes .. i allow as the nonsense … to dominate my life … even if today … i am not so idiot anymore … as i used to be.

But my question is … why the hell i do that?!


Well … maybe i am afraid of being bored again.

I don’t want a boring life.

I simple don’t want that.

I feel the need of certain elements into my life … and that involves indeed as my reality to be a little bit dominated by stupidity.

And is funny … cause i allow myself to act stupid … just to remain prisoner into that scene of life.

And i keep wasting my time.


Well … who the hell knows … and in fact i stop asking myself … or if i do it … in fact … i just pretend i am doing it.

All i actually do … is to delay all.

… even if i know the truth that it’s all a waste of energy and time …. I allow to remain prisoner into that reality.

I am so afraid of being … bored … again.




 psychological games in relationships


Download the book ”Dominating and being dominated ... a way of wasting our lives – philosophical essays” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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